Today is my Grandmother's 99th birthday. She is a wonder...still lives alone and gets around pretty well. Hope I got a big dose of her genes!
Thoughts and current Artwork of a Folk Artist Outsider who specializes in Scratchboard, Collage and Assemblage.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Happy, Happy Scratchboard Holiday!
Today is my Grandmother's 99th birthday. She is a wonder...still lives alone and gets around pretty well. Hope I got a big dose of her genes!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Little Houses
More little houses. Most of these are on Ampersand Art hardboard, with a variety of sources for the paper collage work. I'm fond of using 1940's magazines and other cool old paper. The more brown and brittle the better! The four little houses are 4- 3"x5" boards mounted into frames that I build with my own two old hands. The three little houses are 5"x7" boards. I started this little house project about a year ago. Didn't know at the time where it was leading me, I just knew I had to make at least 100 of these...and I did. They sat around in a box for 7 months until inspiration struck me up on a ridge top in the middle of nowhere while living in, what else, a little house! These are all available, in various sizes and prices. I've relocated into a larger house, with hot water and flush toilet etc.. Realized the other day that it's been about 5 years since I've lived someplace that had more than one room! I'm happy to have more space, but it's nice to know I can live with less if need be.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Time to get scratching!
Okay, okay, break time is over now. I spent last weekend in Austin doing scratchboard demonstrations and sales in the Ampersand Booth at the Texas Art Educator's Assoc. conference. It was a true shot in the arm! Just what I needed to get back on track with my art. Lack of sales, be damned! I need to make art, if it sells in the galleries, great. If not, I still have to make it anyway. I've been doing my 'little houses' series like crazy. Same format; panel painted black, collaged vintage paper houses, little people in the doors and windows with red paint on the background. Have built frames and have been putting it all together for the upcoming thanksgiving show at the Eye of the Dog Art Center in San Marcos. Can't wait, big fun. Meanwhile here is one of my many little house works for your enjoyment.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Taking a break from art n' all
I've been taking a bit of a break for the past few months. Moving from state to state, which is much harder as I get older, and trying to figure out what is next for me. Art is not selling well right now at the galleries and I'm scrambling to make a buck or two. In addition, I am wondering what it is I can add to the world of self indulgent blogs I really have anything to contribute? There you have it folks, check back once in a while to see if I've had a breakthough (or a breakdown!)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Little Wacked Out Bird Scratchboard
Friday, August 13, 2010
Pink Eared Pup Scratchboard
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Little Dog Scratchboard
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Little Houses
Ok, so, my latest obsession is making these little houses. This one is 9- 5"x7" panels mounted and framed. They are basically all the same...2 windows, door, chimney etc...and yet, of course they are all different. It's been shipped to Wally Workman Gallery in Austin for the August show. The materials are gleaned from my extensive stack of vintage papers, magazines and even a bible and such! My goal, for the most part is to get rid of this stack. In the meantime, I've found a theme that really speaks to me. Home, where the heart is, where we nest. Right now my home is temporary. I don't know where I will be for the winter as the cabin has no heat and promises to be cold and drafty. Time will tell I guess.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
The Neighborhood
Other news, I will be going out to Santa Fe NM for a few days the end of the month and will be doing a free scratchboard demo representing Ampersand Art at Artisan Santa Fe on Weds. July 28th at 1:30-4:30 (or there abouts). Come on out if you are in the area, or give a call for more information 1-505-954-4179
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Two Dogs
My latest finished piece. It's a 9"x12" Ampersand Art scratchboard I'm loving combining collage, inks and acrylic paint on these boards! This was from a photo I took of a couple of friends dogs. Obviously I took some liberty with them and the background!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Blue-Eyed Circus Pony
I knocked this 5"x7" Ampersand Art scratchboard out the other day at my new studio in the Ozarks. It's called 'Blue-Eyed Circus Pony'. It's based it on a photo I took at an antique shop of a carousel horse there. I used Liquidtex acrylic inks for the color, some on the existing black surface and some on the white clay after scratching away the black ink. This reminds me of a crazy white horse I had as a youngster. She was 'green broke' and took me on a wild ride one day...imagine me getting thrown as she ran down the field with me being dragged behind with my foot stuck in the stirrup! Classic. Luckily I was not hurt...well maybe a bit embarrassed at my inability to tame her. And wisely enough, I never got on her again!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
New Dog Scratch
Finished scratching this dog out the other day. This is a 5"x7" Ampersand Art scratchboard, check out their website to see all of their products! Today I added color to the background, eyes and collar. I haven't gotten a photo of the finished product yet, just wanted to get a posting up as I'm only going online every couple of days or so. That's a big difference from how I was using it before. I've had a few withdrawal pains but think I'll survive!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
I've taken sometime off to get moved to a new locale, new state, new life. Check back in a few weeks, hopefully I will have high speed internet (which is damned hard to come by in the very rural, rural...)and some new scratchboards. I hope to start up demos for Ampersand Art in Missouri and Arkansas soon as well. Will post here as soon as I can.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Wiener Dog Scratchboard Drawings!
Here are two scratchboard versions of a wiener dog that belongs to a friend of mine! This is a contrast to the previous post of the cubist version...These are of course Ampersand Art scratchboards. (both 5"x7") Check out their many products including gesso board, pastel board, aqua board, clayboard and my favorite, scratchboard.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Cubist Dachshund Scratchboard
So I've been working on a scratchboard of a dachshund for a friend and needed to just let loose a bit. Here is an example of me playing around with the image. It may not be what the owner of the dog wanted, but I had a hell of a good time doing it! This is a 5"x7" Ampersand Art scratchboard
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Chicken with Blue Squares
Just finished this Chicken with Blue Squares. It's a 5"x7" Ampersand Art scratchboard with Liquidtex inks and a little bit of acrylic red. Love me some chicken on a panel! It may even be a rooster, who knows? They are all chickens to me!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Scratching out a Monkey
I started working on this 5"x7" Ampersand scratchboard yesterday. Not done yet, not quite sure where it's going, or what colors will be on this, if any. Having fun with it anyway. I'm packing my studio up, getting rid of stuff left and's so strange, and yet, so good to purge. Still looking for followers of this and my Monkey a Day blog, so line up and sign up folks! Also enjoy your comments, so tell me what you think. Or give me ideas for future scratchboards. Currently it's pretty much the
'Dog and Monkey' show here, with a few still lifes thrown in.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Scratchboard Still Life
I finished this 5"x7" Ampersand Art scratchboard the other day. I added yellow ink, vintage paper and red acrylic paint. You can see the before version that I posted here earlier if you scroll down the page to March 27th. I've got a larger version of this that has not been painted or had any collage work on it yet. Will post it here once I finish it. Should be interesting to see how different or similar it may turn out to be. I know I haven't a plan in mind...
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Here are some shots from my art talk/demo today in Johnson City. Had a great group of bicyclers from Minn. come through the Kirchman Gallery One of my favorite scratchboard artists came by, Randy Jerome Simpson, the above piece is one of his works in progress. He was good help and took all of these photos. Thanks Randy! And thanks Susan for inviting me to speak!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Another Still Life
A larger version of the previous posted still life scratchboard. Still need to add some color and maybe some collage with vintage paper. This is a 12"x16" Ampersand Art type scratchboard, which I love, love,love working with. I went to an opening at the Kirchman Gallery in Johnson City tonight. Great fun, good folks, wonderful art!
Found out I sold a couple more pieces there, yippie!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Scratchboard Still Life
Here is a new scratchboard. Of course it is an Ampersand Art favorite medium I haven't added any color yet. Wanted to scan it first and I've printed it out to add color to the print first. This is a new thing I'm trying. I saw a great book this past week that was illustrated by a fantastic scratchboard artist. The title is: "A Tallgrass Prairie Alphabet" by Claudia McGehee. Great work!
She uses a different product (Essdee from England) and scans and prints on watercolor paper and then paints on the paper. I'm going to try it just to see how I will translate it. I'm sure the result will be different from her and yet inspired by her technique.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Hobby Horse
I did this 'hobby horse' scratchboard about a million years ago. I can hardly remember it...except that I was not really very happy with the finished product. In spite of that, it did sell. It is so odd for me now to look at these older pieces. No color and really an simple work, not polished at all. Yeah, right, like all of the more recent dog & monkey pieces are 'polished'. Ok. It's good to have if only to see how I have changed and grown as an artist. I'm out of town right now. Have settled into a booth at a bakery with free wi-fi and so am 'connected' while being disconnected from the folks around me. Strange indeed. Check out Eye of the Dog Art Center and sign up for some classes. Especially my upcoming Scratchboard and Collage class April 11th. This piece is an Ampersand Art scratchboard, my favorite.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Scratchboard Still Life
This is a large (16"x20")Ampersand Art scratchboard combined with acrylic paint and collage. It was hung at Dahlia Woods Gallery in Dallas. I'm happy to say, this and two other still life type scenes sold there. I'll be teaching a scratchboard and collage class at Eye Of The Dog Art Center in San Marcos Sunday April 11th. This is an all day class starting at 10am. $95.00 A tasty lunch is included. I'll have plenty of tools and materials. All you need to bring is your creative selves! Go to their website to get more details and sign up.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Chicken Man Scratchboard
This is one of my larger, earlier scratchboards. "Chicken Man" It was based on a funny little wooden sculpture that I think I got at a yard sale. I love this creature...and I love Ampersand Art scratchboard. Here's the commercial: I'll be teaching a free demonstration of this product tomorrow (Sat. Feb 27th) from 12-3pm at Jerry's Artarama on North I-35 Austin, TX. Come, spend an hour or a moment. I've got free samples for everyone!
And speaking of love, I am going thru what I can only explain as a '7 yr itch' with scratchboard. I love it, and have loved it very deeply for about 7 yrs. But lately, I've not done much of/or with it. Blame it on the weather, my mother dying in November, or me approaching my 55th birthday in April, I can't say for sure. What ever it is....that 'white-hot' love has waned a bit. Like any relationship, we are going thru a period of change. I don't think I want to leave scratchboard behind, I just need something different to happen. So, I've been exploring collage and even oil painting. I'm not 'cheating' just trying to put a little 'spice' back into our relationship. What's it all about scratchboard? Stay tuned to see what happens next!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
King of All Dogs
This is an older, sold scratchboard of mine. It is a Ampersand product, 16"x20" ( Tonight I had the pleasure of presenting information about the company and my favorite medium, scratchboard, to the Austin Fiber Artists. What a great group of folks. They had many of their projects there and I am thinking there may be some sort of fiber incorporated in future pieces of mine. Outstanding! I can't wait to see what they may come up with (and what I may come up with as a result of what I saw there). I will be teaching an all day class on scratchboard and collage at Eye of the Dog Art Center in San Marcos Texas on Sunday, April 11th. It is very affordable, includes lunch, sample materials, and is in one of the most dynamic and fun art centers I've ever been to. The owners are both amazing artists and it is an unforgettable experience. Google it and sign up folks, if not for my class for another of the variety of classes offered. I'm also giving a free scratchboard demo at Jerry's Artarama here in Austin, Sat. Feb. 27th from 12-3pm. I love watching folks discover how much fun this is!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Early Scratchboard Work
Thought I'd post an earlier work of mine. This is a 16"x20" Ampersand Art Scratchboard. "4&20" is the name, for obvious reasons. It's always a treat to look back and see what I was producing about 5 years ago. This looks very basic, stripped down, unfinished to me now. If you look at what I'm currently doing, it's hard to believe I was afraid of color and refused to use it. Soon I will be diving into oil painting head first. I did not pay attention to it at all when I was in first year art school. I hated the smell of turpentine and thought all the glazes and mixing and drawing was tedious. I guess I was just too young and stupid to get it. I do now. And I'm drawn to it.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Still Life Scratchboard
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Sweet Blue Dog
This is my latest 5"x7" Ampersand Art scratchboard. This is a sweet dog named Blue, a belated birthday present for a friend. These latest scratchboards are stacking up in the studio. This one has a home....but many of them don't, at least not yet. I'll be delivering several new monkeys and dogs to Wally Workman Gallery this week. Check them out. I am the 'Target' of the work is quite affordable, purposely. I want to sell art. Simple as that. I don't make tons of money on these, but they fly out the door and end up on people's walls. That makes me happy!
I'll be teaching a scratchboard class at Eye of the Dog Art Center in San Marcos this coming April (Sunday April 11th from 10-4 lunch included $95.00) This Art Center is one of the coolest places on Earth. Really. And Billy Ray and Beverly are two of the most talented, nicest artists I know. So put this on your calendars and save your pennies. We will be diving in head first into scratchboard and collage. I'll have all the materials and tools. My goal is world domination by scratchboard. It is the most instant gratification art technique that anyone can do.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Kitty Scratches
Just wanted to illustrate the progression of one of my smaller scratchboards. This is a sample size Ampersand Art board. Started out on the far left with the basic outline of a kitty. Then I added the fish bones, and finally some color. There you have it, a 'Kitty Scratch'.
I'm on a brief interview on KUT radio here in Austin. Jill Carver, Suzanne Lewis and myself talking about the art work at Wally Workman Gallery. It's a hoot. Had a lot of fun doing it. Click on the link to hear it.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Another Day, Another Dog
My latest scratchboard dog. The usual, Ampersand Art scratchboard, 5"x7" with acrylic paint. I love this doggie head. Based on a photo of a friends dog, got to say though, it looks nothing like her. And yet, it is totally her. How can this be?
I've started a new blog, my continuation of a "Monkey a Day". Check it out at
Friday, January 8, 2010
Dog oh Doggie
I used my favorite scratching tool for this (the basic nib ampersand provides) and gouache paint for the eyes and background. There is a group show I'm in at Wally Workman Gallery here in Austin . It opens this Saturday from 6-8pm. Everything is priced under a 'grand'.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Scratchboard Dog
Here is the finished 'Luna' scratchboard. I used gouache paint on a 5"x7" Ampersand Art scratchboard, sealed with Krylon Workable Fixative. I will frame this and get it to Wally Workman Gallery.
All good here in Central Texas. Windy and Cold, just like Winter is supposed to be!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
New Year, New Scratchboards
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