A friend suggested a 'grey' version of the owls I've been working on. Here you go Ryan...2 Grey Owls. They are 5"x7
" Ampersand Art scratchboards. I used the original designs that I had done a few days ago, made patterns and transferred them to new boards. A fancy way of saying, I traced 'em. No shame in that. Learning how to do that (I've been working on designs and instructions for kits) has opened up a whole new world. I used to freehand all of my pieces. Now I can knock out a design and then do numerous knock offs of my own designs! I had a lot of fun with these. Used the basic scratch knife, fiberglass eraser, and the bigger scraper knife. I've got these in the studio right now, and I added just a faint touch of orange to the eyes with ink. I couldn't bear to leave them just black, white and grey. Interesting, when I first started scratching I stayed strictly black and white as I was afraid of color. (really that means I had little experience with color)
Anyhow, the latest in my world is; First Thursday is coming up at the Fayetteville Underground this week...I'm hanging some new pieces there tomorrow...Friday was my birthday, I'm older and probably wiser.