My latest. 'Chicken Chicken' is the name. I'm sitting here this morning thinking about all the troubles in Japan, and all over the world. My biggest trouble this morning was the internet was slow! Good lord, what a big baby I am, compared to what others are enduring right now! Ok, I promise not to be an ugly, arrogant American, wanting what I want, when I want it. I'm working on it. This chicken, chicken is how I feel right now. What would I do if everything I had was washed away in a storm/earthquake disaster? Would I keep on keeping on? Or would I curl up into a ball, hoping someone else would take care of it all? I don't honestly know. I'd like to think I could push through but jeez louise, on this day, I am soft and spoiled. Would I be part of a revolution to overthrow a bad government? Would I, really? I'm here, in my comfortable home, full belly, about to go to my nice studio/gallery space, thanking my lucky stars for all I've got and sending what good thoughts I can out to the rest of the world, hoping for the best.
The skinny on the above is this; 5"x7" Ampersand Art scratchboard with inks. I spray fixed it with Krylon Workable Fixitif. By the way, Krylon customer service is great. I've had a few spray problems lately and so called their hot line. Got some good advice and they are sending out some new product for me to try. So, besides the fact that the world is falling apart, I've still got art to make and stuff to make it with. What a life.
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