This is a piece of vintage 1940's magazine advertisement. Has something to do with a laxative...I guess the idea is you can have a successful date with a dreamboat if you have a good movement. No movement, not so much...not so good. I'm here to tell you that is so true!! I used a little bit of white acrylic and black ink to 'monkey' these two up.
Thoughts and current Artwork of a Folk Artist Outsider who specializes in Scratchboard, Collage and Assemblage.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Daily Monkey-This Here's a Dandy!
This one came straight out of my imagination! It has the usual monkey like features and then some. But I could not say I've ever had an encounter with a monkey like this. Well, maybe in my dreams...My head is a very, very strange place to live. It's a 5"x7" Scratchboard from Ampersand Art I'm fixin' ta give a free Scratchboard demonstration in Houston TX next Friday the 7th. Will post more details this weekend.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Daily Monkey-2 Monkeys with a Car
Two monkeys with a car. One of them is a 'Doctor of Motors'...Love me some monkeys wearing suits. I'm focused on making monkeys and making art for the Fall shows. Busy, busy monkey. I'm off to the gym to work out. The heat here is making me just as stir crazy as the cold and snow did when I lived in those climates. Someday it will not be over 100 degrees, right?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Daily Monkey-Red Scratchboard Monkey
Don't even ask me what kind of monkey this is...I have no freaking idea. It came out of my head, to the hand, to the board, that should tell you something. I loved scratching this out and then painting it with acrylic. I'm about to start a large (24"x36") scratchboard monkey. That should keep me out of trouble! Scratchboard is of course from Ampersand Art here in Austin, TX.
The extreme heat in Central Texas continues...I feel like a slug, no energy and no desire to leave the AC. Dreaming of Fall. Planning some trips up North for August.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Scratchboard Still Life Artwork
This is view of my studio these days....besides the 'daily monkey' project I'm obsessed with making scratchboard still life pieces using Ampersand Art product . And of course on the left monkeys and cardinals (current title "4 Redbirds In A Box")
Daily Monkey-Bunch of Shaving Monkeys
Shaving Monkeys, 'Perfect'! What a concept...I love the idea. Pulled this ad from a vintage 1940's magazine, put a bit of white acrylic and black ink on top and there it is. I'm finding it hard to focus on the 'Daily Monkey'. So many distractions. Especially the 'still life' scratchboards I'm working on. I'll post a studio shot of those after this post goes up.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Daily Monkey-Chair Carving
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Monkey on Acrylic
Oops..just realized that although I made this 'Daily Monkey' yesterday I forgot to post it. So here it is, a 5"x7" piece of clear acrylic (I have a million of these from revamping wooden frames from Jerry's Artarama...they are cheap and scratched so no good for putting artwork behind...I am trying to figure out a use for them since I hate to throw anything away!!) I drew on it with sharpie markers and then put it on some vintage bible pages I had on my work table. Sweet!
Check out Jerry's Artarama at http://www.jerry. And while you're at it check out my website at
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Monkeys On A Bender Daily Monkey Blog
Here are three monkeys on their own personal lost weekend. I used a little acrylic paint and a page from a vintage 1940's magazine. Yippie, everybody loves a monkey and what could be better than a drunken monkey? 3 drunken monkeys. Although I'm sober these days and just have the faintest memory of my own lost weekends. Thank the gods for that. I'm into the third month of my daily monkey exercise...hope I can keep it up for a year. I just don't know how many monkeys are in me.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Multiple Monkeys
I just finished spraying these Monkey Scratchboards with Krylon Workable Fixative.( Put these up here the other day without the added paint. This is the finished product...well, really will be finished once I put them in the frames. Will post a few other scratches I've been working on right after this one.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Monday Monkeys
This 8"x10" piece was a 'mistake' that popped out of my I decided to modify it and used it for my daily monkey. So, it's ink jet on plain old paper with some marker on top of it.
I'm watching the rain roll in, finally. Not much has fallen, but more than what we've had here in hot, dry central Texas lately.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Sunday Monkey
Almost forgot about my daily monkey. Whipped this out quickly. Red acrylic paint on a scrap of blue paper. Also working on two larger scratchboards, still life themes. Will post that after this goes up. I'm watching beautiful cloud formations out the window in the eastern sky. Wish they meant we were about to have a huge rain storm, but I doubt it. Great to look at none the less. Another beautiful day in paradise!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
More Monkey Scratchin'
This is a fun little monkey king. 5"x7" Ampersand Art Scratchboard I'll probably put some color on this with acrylic paint later...not sure what. I've been knocking these out daily now since April. It's been good for me to do this exercise. I'm fixin' to do more scratchboard demo's around Texas and possibly across the U.S soon. Will post here and facebook when they are scheduled.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Monkey In A Bow Tie
Today's monkey is a 5"x7" Ampersand Art scratchboard. And I'm a thanking the gods that it's Friday. I've been scratching these and birds out like crazy lately. Next stop dogs and maybe the a cat or two. Also working on some still life subject matter in scratchboard. I'm in full production for fall shows now. Dreaming of the fall, hoping for cool weather soon...
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Late Night Monkey
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
3 Monkeys Dreaming of Love
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monkey Quickie
I was working on a new scratchboard today (will post that later) and had to clean out my brush. This daily monkey is pretty messed up...but good enough for me....for now. All is good, I am happily working like crazy on art for Dahlia Woods Gallery in Dallas and a show in September, November and December.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Monkey Day
Another in my Daily Monkey series. Small Scratchboard from Ampersand Art Just found out I sold a few pieces at the Dahlia Woods Gallery in Dallas at the group show! I will have a show there in September...more about that later. Pretty exciting.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Big Pink Monkey
Another in my 'Daily Monkey' series. This is just a 'Big Pink Monkey' what more can I say? It's a 5"x7" wood panel with black gesso and acrylic paint with some vintage paper collage. Fun stuff. How can I be so lucky? I'm making art full time and about to start doing more demonstrations of Scratchboard for Ampersand Art. Will post more about that as it develops.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Monkey Scratch
Daily monkey coming at you...Scratchboard from Ampersand Art with just a touch of red acrylic. Size is 3"X5". Still cranking out the monkeys but getting a bit bored. Time to do something new with them, not sure what, but all y'all will be the first to know. Maybe it's just the heat, I'm fried.
Chicken Man

Thought I'd shake things up a bit today. This is an older piece of mine...already sold and gone. An example of what I was doing before I got brave enough to put color in. It's based on a funny little wooden piece I bought at a yard sale. My daily monkey post will come soon. It's Ampersand Art Scratchboard (my favorite medium) I'm headed out to Lady Bird Lake on my kayak for a few hours. So hot here I turned the cold tap on to wash my face and it was warm water...that is just wrong!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Monkey Me
I used an 8"x10" self portrait photo of myself for today's daily monkey. Some prismacolor markers, a sharpie and my favorite 'gellyroll' white pen and there it as monkey. Now you might be asking yourself (and me), why monkeys and why everyday?? To which I say, "Why the hell not?" What is this all about? Making art or at least just making marks on a page, my friends. Maybe next year it will be a 'daily dog'...
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Messed Up Monkey
I threw this monkey together at the last minute. I had this torn piece of paper laying around the studio and was using these colors in another piece...god knows I hate to waste paint. So there you have it. Not my best 'daily monkey' but hey, I spent 7 hours yesterday either in the airport or on a plane and I'm bone tired today. And I might add, it's hotter than hell in Texas today, tomorrow and every day from now until Xmas.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Monkey On The Back
This is the back side view of the prismacolor marker monkey I did on the 4th. Doing this daily monkey project has been so helpful to me. It forces me into a routine, which god only knows is hard for me as an artist. I need structure in order to get anything done, and yet, art gives me permission to just go with the flow... After I did the drawing on the 4th I turned the page (which is meaningful in so many ways) and discovered this on the back. I'm on my way back to Austin later on today. The time in Boston has been very, very sweet. I am refreshed and relaxed.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Monkey Puppet
Here it is...the re-made Bear/now Monkey puppet. Martha Stewart craft project found in The Christmas Store for a buck. I'm in a rush to get ready to drive to Rockport (MA not TX) for some lobstah on the beach (well, rocks really....). Nothing like dripping buttah down the front of your shirt while you are fighting off the Sea Gulls!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Daily Monkey
This monkey is vintage paper (bible pages from late 1800' was falling apart and what else do you do with it?) black gesso on 4"x5" wood panel with acrylic. Odd little image...I continue to wonder if I will run out of ideas on this year long daily monkey quest. I was at the 'Christmas Tree Store' yesterday, otherwise know as the 'Crapmas' Tree Store, and saw a Martha Stewart Monkey puppet project for a $1.00. But there were no monkeys, just bears, frogs, birds and lions. I bought a bear and will be doing some surgery on it tomorrow to make it into a monkey. Martha would be so proud!
It's a beautiful, clear day on the east coast.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Monkey on the 4th
My daily monkey today is a marker drawing on sketchbook paper. Very basic, my usual monkey design. Happy 4th all! I'm sitting in beautiful Medford, MA outside of Boston loving the cool weather (as compared to 100 degree + in Austin, TX right now) We went to Lexington last night to watch a sweet fireworks show. No esplanade with Boston Pops for me. Too many people in too small a space. We'll watch it on TV tonight, thank you very much!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Monkey On A 2x4
Sitting on the back porch in Medford, MA visiting while my best friend was smoking I grabbed this scrap of wood and some pens and scratched this 'daily monkey' out. So here it is in all it's simplicity. The sun is finally poking out today. We may get a few more showers but hopefully it will hold off for the fireworks. We're grilling and then will be off to Lexington for the show later.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Monkey in Boston
I landed in Boston a few hours ago. Rainy and cool here. Today's monkey is a line drawing I did from a vintage illustration I found in a 'Nature' magazine from 1900. It is a very odd print of a photo of a stuffed monkey. It's prismacolor black ink pen on non descript sketch pad paper. I look forward to hanging out with my best friends and relaxing here on the east coast.
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