Well, the 'Flock Together' class at Eye Of the Dog Art Center in San Marcos TX didn't fill, so we cancelled it. It's just as well, because a dear friend is having a birthday on Monday and I wasn't too keen about missing it. Now, I can go celebrate with him. Lemons into lemonade and all.
I will however be headed to Austin later in the week to deliver a piece of artwork (below) to the Animal Trustees of Austin who will be throwing their big Petcasso shindig. I participated last year and had a ball.
Then it's back to NW Arkansas to continue drawing cat after cat after cat. I finished one this afternoon and started another tonight. My hand and arm are pretty tired from all the scratching. Soon I'll get into the groove and really start pumping them out. Right now there are around 60 cats to draw. Oh my, I'm a tired gal tonight. Time to clock out.