Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Kickstarter Cat Poster Funded!

Well, the short funding period came and went and I raised the money to make a small, limited edition of posters of all of the cats from the Cat Scratchin' book. Whew. I'm happy. Oddly enough (or maybe not odd at all) the Dog Scratchin' posters raised more money (double what I was asking for) I don't know what to think of that, although I do know from experience that most cat people want a portrait that looks exactly like their cat(or as close to exact as I can do). Dog people are usually more open to variation of design. I've sold more dog portraits that only slightly resemble their dogs. Curious.

The photos here are of my latest projects that I'm making for craft/art shows. Plus I'm working out the displays for said shows.  These are Linda's Little Originals. They are 2"x3" Ampersand Art Scratchboards.  Most are just ornaments with a loop for a tree hanger, but some are both ornaments and pins that can be worn. I'm churning these out like mad. I've also picked up some commissions that need to be done before the holidays...the Littles can be done for $15.00 + shipping, let me know if you are interested....soon! I'm fast, but I'm getting booked up.
I'll be in Austin, TX Thursday November 21st 5:30-7:30 at Wally Workman Gallery signing and selling books and art. This event will give a portion of sales to Austin Pets Alive which is one of my favorite shelters. Save the date and if you are able to attend, I hope to see you there.
I will also be out in San Marcos, TX at The Eye of the Dog Art Center Home Show November 29th, 30th and Dec. 1st.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Kickstarter Cat Poster Project is Live!

This is #1 of a total of four different posters that I'm putting together for a kickstarter project. Earlier this year I drew 78 cats for the Cat Scratchin' book. These posters will have every cat (twenty per poster) plus two for a total of 80 cats in a limited edition series of posters, signed and numbered. Today is the first day of thirteen days to fund. If you love cats and want to participate please go take a look at the project and jump in. Thanks, I appreciate your support. And the posters are pretty awesome! Here's the link: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1547701634/cat-scratchin-limited-edition-posters-for-your-wal

Friday, October 11, 2013

Just Keep Making Art

Today finds me struggling with an almost migraine headache. Not a good thing, and yet, I still want to be making my art product. I've had way too many migraines in my life and they really knock me silly for a bit. Is this a sign that I need to take a break? Or just a bit of weirdness that I have no control over? Who knows? Not me.
Well, anyhow I'm pushing onward. The above are some not-so-great photos of my latest Little Originals series. These are 2"x2" Ampersand Scratchboard that were originally their white 'Stampbord' that I inked with Speedball Super Black. Voila, scratchboard! They have pins on the back so they can be worn on shirts, caps, backpacks and what have you. I also added a small loop at the top so they can be hung on your Xmas, or Festivus or what-you-may-call-it tree. Fun stuff. I can sit and watch (or not watch) TV shows on my laptop while knocking these out. And the packaging helps make them look 'real' I think. I'm looking forward to seeing how these sell at Eye of the Dog Home show November 29,20, Dec 1 in San Marcos, TX and at The Little Craft Show Saturday Dec. 7th here in Fayetteville.  I hope they do sell because I made a whole heap of these in a variety of subject matter. (see just a few above)
I will be launching a new Kickstarter project next week to make a limited series of Cat Scratchin' posters. I just picked them up from Moxy Ox in Tontitown, AR and they look awesome! It's going to be a quick, small project. I'm only asking for $500.00 (but I'll take more if folks want them) and it will run for 13 days to fund. It's all a crap-shoot doing these projects. At first I thought I didn't want to do anymore Kickstarter projects...because it can be stressful putting them together and then working the crowd to fund them. This one will be a grand experiment to see if doing a shorter funding period works better. Usually after 30 days, I'm exhausted from having to 'beat' the facebook/instagram/pinterest/twitter bushes to get backers. Plus if they don't fund right away I lose sleep and get all bent out of whack. This project will launch next week and will end during the dreaded Mercury Retrograde!! If you know me, all new things and contract signing, communication etc screeches to a halt during MR. I'm kind of superstitious, but also in my defense, I've experienced major mishaps during MR. (usually occurs about 3 times a year) Google it if you don't know what it is. Astrology thing, believe it if you wish. I may be flirting with disaster doing the project during this time period, but there's no way around it if I want to ship to folks before Xmas. Boldly I go, eyes cranked half shut hoping for the best!
The Cat Scratchin' book continues to delight. I've gotten some really sweet emails from folks who participated and love the book and their artwork. I look forward to spreading more joy in the coming months.
The next event will be a signing at Wally Workman Gallery in Austin Thursday, November 21st 5:30-7:30. A portion of sales will go to Austin Pets Alive and there may even be a few kitties representing them that night...hope so. Contact me or them if you have questions.
Ok, I was hoping that writing this would make the headache go away and it has not. Have a happy weekend whoever you are and whatever you do!