Saturday, February 21, 2009

Houses, Houses, and more Houses!

Still making the houses. Here is a photo of 15 of them laid out in the driveway. Still go into the 'zone' when I'm doing it. I can cut and paste up about 4 of these 5X7's in a short while. Also have started painting some houses on little canvas'. There are four 4"X4" and one 8"X10" in the other photo. Not sure why I am so compelled to do these. But I've learned to not question just follow the urge to see where it goes. So here I am, making paper houses.

1 comment:

tina riedel said...

holy freakin' toledo, missy - these are amazing!!!! hey, fellow linda followeres - you can get a great close-up view by clicking directly on the image. these almost look mosaic-y - are they? i think dallas will flip when she sees them.