Monday, February 25, 2013

Art For Love And Money

Ok, I'll make this quick. I am an artist, a professional at my craft. When someone recently, oh, like, maybe a city in Texas that shall remain un-named asked me to design a poster for a festival, for free, I didn't exactly jump at the project. But, being the good soul that I am, I thought about it for a minute and said, "sure, why not."  Good Exposure, right? Uh, yeah, right. Well, I made the design, even hand delivered (after I had sent a photo of it to make sure it was what they wanted). They then started back-pedaling on the whole deal after I dropped it off. At least they had the 'grace' to call me and say they wouldn't be using it because they couldn't line a up place to hold the unveiling and auction. (they auction off the artwork to help fund the festival...but not to give funds to the artist...I'm.not.commenting.on.that).
So, reportedly they are shipping it back to me. We'll see if that happens. Here's the good outcome from all of this. If I don't know you or support your 'cause' it will be so much easier for me to say, no, not interested. There are some very good folks who I will always donate a piece to, every year. But the above, might I say, a$$hats? Forget it, don't ask me, again, ever.
That being said, I'm headed back to the Fayetteville this week. To get started on the cat book drawings and do a 24"x24" dog drawing for 'Petcasso' the big fundraiser for Animal Trustees of Austin which takes place in April. Wah hoo!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Teaching Scratchboard In Texas

I've been in Central Texas now for a few days and while it's been great, today is a gray, grey day. (I never know which grey/gray to use) Some kind of front moving through, we're all waiting for the rain. I've already done three scratchboard workshops for Ampersand Art here. All have been very successful. Two of them were at a new venue for me, Casa De Linda in New Braunfels, TX. No, they didn't name it for me (although I like to think so), David and Linda are the owners. They've been in this location about two years. It's a sweet sanctuary and oasis for art, if you're in the area you should stop by and see them. I loved with working with them, and the folks who joined us both days. Here are a just few photos from the workshops.

A good time was had by all and everyone made some scratchboard art, and loved it. Very satisfying for me. One of my goals is to bring the masses into the scratchboard artists fold, one at a time, even if it takes my lifetime. It's instantly gratifying, therapeutic and good for you! What wrong with that? Not a thing. Keep your head up, make art!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Scratchboard Demo At Jerry's Artarama Austin

Today I'll be at Jerry's Artarama in Austin, TX from noon to three with Ampersand Art scratchboards doing a little hands-on demo fun. If you've never used scratchboard, it's a quick, instantly gratifying art form. I taught a class in New Braunfels yesterday and had a great time with the folks there. There will be another class Tuesday from nine to noon at Casa De Linda on IH35 Business. You could squeeze in last minute.
 I've got to get through Austin traffic from South to North to get there. Today is the Austin Marathon so that should make for some interesting snarls.  Gotta love IH35 and Central Texas!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Early Morning Studio Time

This morning I'm juggling several things, here is a shot of the studio table and it's pretty messy. I'm making folk art birds at the kitchen countertop, scratchboard drawings at the above table, franken-furniture pieces in the workshop, and mixing in some visiting with Bowen the dog (below) at his home with good friends.
He's the cutest little guy, but being a puppy I found I couldn't get anything done with him doing what puppies do. So he's still a part of my pack, but we are all happier.
Oh yeah, still funding the Cat Scratchin book on kickstarter. It's almost to the end...soon I get to start gathering and drawing the cats. Go here to see the project. If you have a rescued cat, you may want to jump, uh, now....please.
I'll be in Austin next week starting a visit and teaching tour. Check out Casa De Linda in New Braunfels for a listing of classes, plus I'll be at Jerry's Artarama Austin Sunday the 17th doing a demo. Line up-sign up. Ok, that's all for now. Stay happy.