I've been making these little 1x2" scratchboard chicken necklaces for the past month. (They may be a reward for backers of the chicken book I want to do) Meanwhile, I'm trying to 'will' this kickstarter project, Chicken Scratchin' book into being. It's hard work. I've only raised around $1200+ and need to raise $9500.00 by March 6th. So far every project I've done on kickstarter has raised the amount needed....this may be the first failure. I'm not too worried though, it can be tweeked and re-launched in March or April. I am not getting rich doing these book projects, just a steady small stream of money(well, maybe more like a trickle). Really, that's all I need to keep going. I don't need the big bucks, I just want to contribute, bring folks a little joy, and pay my bills. When I'm not making art I'm a pretty unhappy human. Lately I've been creating a series of bird art on Ampersand Scratchboard, just to keep me busy and happy. Sold a couple already, even posted a bunch on the social networking sites, hoping for the best. Here's an example of one of the sold pieces.
I had a great time making this...left it black and white for the new owner. It's been a while since I've not used color on a piece, it was hard to restrain myself.
Ok, done for today: Here's the kickstarter plug (and let me remind you, you don't have to have chickens to back this!) Click
HERE to see it.
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