Sunday, August 30, 2009

Organ Grinder Monkey

The Daily Monkey continues...This is one of my favorite images just because it's so bizarre! I can't remember what vintage magazine I got it out of of...suffice to say it's probably from the 40's. I will do a scratchboard based on this someday I'm sure. For now, I will share this image with those of you who happen to drop by my daily blog.

I'm struggling a bit right now with direction. I've been scratching out monkeys, birds and dogs for quite a while, frankly I'm just a bit bored with all that, so I've started to do a few still life pieces. My schedule is full, with no time for boredom. I've got to get ready for the East side studio tour two weekends in November...and then Blue Genie Art Bazaar in December. Plus the group show at Dahlia Woods Gallery in December. Whew, I'm tired, but happy to have a lot going on.

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