Monday, September 26, 2011

Dog and 2 Humans Collage Artwork

Woke up this morning around 4:30am.  Tried to force myself back to sleep, but wouldn't go...finally got up around 5 and put this piece together.  It's an 11"x14" MDF panel.  I prepared the panel with some dandy 'Bob Ross' black gesso and used nori paste to do the glue down.  I had cut out most of the images last night while watching old episodes of 'Iron Chef' on my computer...nice way to spend the time, eh? Thanks for all the issues of Oprah mags Al,  lots of good colors and faces.
I'll do a top coat with some Golden Gel Medium, heavy matt finish.  And then, who knows?  Maybe someone will want to buy this.  Or I will just add it to the growing stack of unsold artwork.  I have to keep on making art....that's what I do, that's who I am, and that's what keeps me sane.  Here's the thing folks,  once they are done...I'm done.  The most recent piece I'm working on is my newest favorite.  The older finished pieces are crying out to go home with someone besides me.  so if you want it, or need it, shoot me a message and we'll talk details.  I had a great weekend.  The scratchboard class at the Fayetteville Underground on Saturday was wonderful.  Lots of fun art being made.  I'll post some photos and more on that next time...stay tuned.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Scratchboard dogs and society pages

Finished these two scratchbords yesterday.  I made them for some new friends.  They were delighted when I dropped them off!  While I was working on them I had a little struggle at first with 'Hattie', but then I just let go and let the scratching and scraping happen without thinking too much about it.  I always know when a piece is going to be successful when I'm laughing and joyful during the process of making it. There was a lot of that happening while doing these. These are both 5"x7" Ampersand Art scratchbords with claybord inks.  They are unusual for me as they are horizontal.  I prefer a vertical subject matter, but the photos I took of them dictated the orientation, so there you go.
Got a check from Wally Workman Gallery yesterday.  The '3Monkeys In A Boat' piece mentioned in the post before this sold to the TV show 'The Lying Game'.  Mostly because it got scratched (which upset me for about a half a second) I had to let it go and not worry about it.  I have no control over what happens to a piece after it leaves the gallery.  As long as they don't use the image without my permission, or reproduce it on products without compensating me; I'm not involved.  I don't like the idea of my piece being damaged...oh well.
This morning I opened the newspaper (I love Sunday mornings with the larger newspaper and NPR) and discovered that I had made the 'Society' page for the Youthbridge Starry Starry Night fundraiser in a photo.  Whoohoo!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Today In Linda Land

Today was a wonderful day in Land O' Linda.  I worked in my studio for a bit...working on some collaged greeting cards.  Then I went to visit some new friends, one of them is an amazing poet and both are all around wonderful folks.  I spent much of the afternoon there with him reading me his poetry and us discussing the way of the world.  Ah, bliss.  If that wasn't enough (and trust me, it was!)  I then came home and watched the most recent episode of The Lying Game to see that finally, my piece of art that was leased from Wally Workman Gallery in Austin was right there on the screen, 2X during the course of the show.  Sorry about the blurry photos.  I watch TV on my computer big flat screen high def for me.  The piece is an 18"x24" Ampersand Art scratchboard.  Funny thing is,  I started this piece in response to having a different piece rejected for a show.  Glad it happened, although at the time I was a bit miffed.  I love the way things turn out when they are out of our control and we just hang on and go for the ride.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Scratchboard Classes at The Fayetteville Underground

Tomorrow, Saturday Sept. 10th, from 12-3pm I will be teaching scratchboard classes to who ever happens by the classroom at the Fayetteville Underground.  I had folks sign up at 1st Thursday, but my system was flawed, and no one paid up, so I'm hoping that at least 10 folks that put their names in the book come out.  I can work with 20+ so if you are thinking about it...come on down and play!  The cost is $15.00 and that includes all of the matericals.  I've got Ampersand Art scratchboards, paints, inks and patterns.  Scratchboard is fun, instantly gratifying, and accessible to all ages and abilities.  Yes, some folks do fabulously detailed drawings right down to the last hair, which is great, others, such as me, draw out a 'Sleepy Bear' like the above. There is room enough for all of us on this scratchboard planet.  So please, even if it's after 12,  stop on by and see if the boards speak to you.  Thanks, and have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Scratchboard Still Life And Such

Just finished this fun mixed media piece.  Got 'er framed up and ready to go.  If you love it and want it, give me a holler and we'll do the paypal thing.  It's priced at $375.00.  Here are the details:  It is an Ampersand Art Scratchbord, embellished with inks and vintage paper collage.  The frame is an Illusions Floater frame, black matte. It's 11"x14"
"The Dog And Monkey Show" is up at the Fayetteville Underground in the Revolver Gallery until Saturday Oct. 1.  There will be a 'meet the artist' event on Saturday the 17th, and a closing event Saturday Oct. 1.  I'll post times when they are determined.  I'm also teaching two scratchbord classes at the Underground, both Saturdays the 10th and 24th from noon to 3pm.  They will cost $15.00 a class, all materials included.  Shoot me an email at or come into the Underground and register.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Check out the link below for artist interview for Fayetteville Underground opening. "The Dog And Monkey Show" is featured.  Scroll down page till you see the 'dog and monkey'.