Friday, January 13, 2012

Crystal Bridges Museum Louise Nevelson

Yesterday I taught a very enthusiastic group of High School students how to work with Ampersand scratchbord.  After the class I went to the new Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.  This is my second time through there and I spent around 2 hours+ just wandering around.  Saw so many pieces that I would swear I didn't see the first time.  Not true of the above piece. Couldn't miss it. Wouldn't miss it.  It is by one of my favorite artists: Louise Nevelson.  She reportedly would pick up scraps of wood as she walked the streets of New York City.  I love that.  Any of you who know me well, know that I've moved piles of scraps of wood 2x in the past 2 years. (and I thank you for helping me!) I'm sure you think I'm crazy for that, but hey, look at the above and maybe you'll understand a bit of my motivation.  I can't remember the title of this.  It doesn't really matter to me. There is so much to look at, and dive into here, I can write my own story and title.  More photos from the museum and also work in progress+scratchbord classes soon.

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