Monday, January 20, 2014

It's Chicken Book Time!

Today I launched my 5th kickstarter project: Chicken Scratchin' A Collection Of Good Chickens And Their People.The videos look good, fun even. Hey it's a chance to see me with a red cock's comb in my hair...
I've been ready for this for months, got the videos and site built in record time and now I'm ready to hit it. The funding process will go for 45 days and I hope to raise $9500.00, which is the least amount I need to make this happen. We shall see if folks with chickens want me to scratch out a portrait of them, and if they have a story to share. I'm sure hoping they do. Would be a huge bummer if it doesn't fund.
I'm also continuing a Linda's Big Art Giveaway at my Linda Sheets Art facebook page(if you're on face book look for me, like the page and watch for the giveaway.  Free art, mostly scratchboard, and mostly older work of mine that needs a home. All I ask is that folks pay for shipping and packing, and that they give some $$ to a shelter of their choice(human or animal). Am I crazy for giving my art away? Maybe, but maybe not. I do like spreading the wealth and get a real kick out of sharing these pieces rather than tossing them, or worse, packing them away and hanging on to them like an 'art hoarder'. Would I rather sell art? Uh, well, yes I would, thanks for asking. But what I've found in doing this is new people come along for me to share it with, and I've even gotten some commissions out of it all. So not a bad thing this giving it away, letting go. Try it sometime. It really does feel good. In the meantime, do something that makes you happy!

Here's the chicken project link:

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