Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dogs,Dogs,And More Dogs

The Dog Scratchin' is an almost 24/7 thing for me now. Last night I went to bed late (after 11 is late for me) and had yellow and black ink on my hands...didn't even see it till this morning.  So far I have created 33 completed scratchboard drawings of dogs, with 5 additional in progress today. Every shape, color, and type you can imagine. This book project has brought so much joy into my already full and wonderful life. My little head is just about to explode from all the joyfulness. But wait, there's more!  I also scratched out a 12"x16" drawing based on Van Gogh's sunflowers that will be used at a fundraiser for Youthbridge.  I participated last year and it was a blast. Hope they raise a bunch of dough with all of the submitted works. They do such great work with at risk youth.
Also had a visit with Iti Agnihotri from our local NPR station KUAF.  She was here a week or so ago interviewing me and loved the studio space so much that she wanted to come back and video some of it to link to the interview on their website. I'll keep you posted and will try and put a link here tomorrow after it airs on the Ozarks At Large show at noon and 7pm.

In the meantime, here are a few Dog Scratchin' images for your enjoyment. Thanks everyone who comes here to look and read my scratchin'.

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