Monday, June 8, 2009

Makin' Monkeys

Missed two days of monkey makin', so I'm now back and raring to go again. This is another Creative Mark Edge Gallery canvas, 5"x5" with black gesso (Bob Ross brand, can you believe it!) with vintage paper collage and some pen and ink.

Had a wonderful weekend in Houston! Went to museums, and an outdoor accordian concert. The best.. and worst part was a rollar coaster ride in Kema outside of Galveston. It was an old school wooden coaster (I was checking bolts and wood frame on the way in...just to make sure) The first fast, and I mean really, really fast turn, I got bashed up against the side of the car and think I bruised or busted a rib. The remainder of the ride I held on tightly to keep from being bashed again! I'm guessing I'm not a kid any more...what a revolting development! On the other hand, it was so much fun, I would do it all again!

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